A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on April 9th, 2007. All board members and flag officers present included P/C Grimm, Commodore Yates, Vice Commodore, McGillin, Rear Commodore Roberts, and Treasurer Rogers.
CALL TO ORDER: exactly 1900 hrs
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Capt. Mark LaFountaine reported that as of today’s date, the club has 368 members; there are eight new members since fall. The membership committee would like to target younger members and is proposing that 21 to 30 year olds would have the course of eight years to pay their initiation fee; 31 to 40 year olds would have up to six years to pay the initiation fee; 41 and older would have up to three years to pay the fee. The committee would like to put this plan in effect until the other 32 membership vacancies are filled, or until September 30th , 2007, which ever comes first. The board approved the plan.
TREASURERS REPORT: Capt. John Rogers reported that the club income is still down as new membership is below projection. The bar made a $3,000 contribution in March. Winslow continues to be in good shape, on budget as usual. No change in the capital budget currently.
PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: Capt. Bob Gundersen reported concern about low membership. The committee is looking into a better use of the apartment. The committee recommended that club rental fees remain on the 2006 schedule as they felt the new fees would deter increases in club rentals. At this time, the two Outstation lease agreements, Ganges and Deer Harbor, are both signed and we are awaiting the insurance premium amounts. The committee would like to request funds to hire a professional electrician to survey club needs.
BOARD CHAIRMAN REPORT: Chairman Ewell reported that a registered agent form has been signed and sent in. The reserve study continues to move forward. The 520 bridge status is looking favorable as WSDOT continues to consider our club interests and needs to keep the impact on us to a minimum. Chairman Ewell continues to follow the capital projects including the electrical upgrades, improvements on the Winslow docks, septic tanks at the Instation. The board approved a PHD (Push Here Dummy) button to be installed for use in club rental events.
COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Yates would like to have a New Members event to take place on June 10th, 2007, in order for them to "Get to know your Club and Outstation." He is also working on capital projects including improving the canvas trim on the Instation, as well as small adjustments to the lighting on the Boyer St. sign.
VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C McGillin reported that the Best Marina Practices brochure is completed and on final review and will be ready to print soon.
REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: R/C Roberts reported there will be a Pride of Queen City on April 28th. He is asking that if members are unable to attend that they please donate $20 for costs of the clean up day. He continues to work on bike racks for both the In and Outstations.
OLD BUSINESS: P/C Grimm reported that the milfoil application will begin on April 12th. The TV cabinet has been installed and looks great. There will be a refund to the club from P/C Grimm as the TV room budget was less than expected.
NEW BUSINESS: Dennis Okamoto is moving forward with the audit committee to create a mission statement. The committee will develop policies and procedures for the bar, ship store, and special events. Capt. Bruce Cullen is looking into reviewing the sign-in sheets at Ganges and Deer Harbor in order to streamline them with those at Winslow. This would help determine club members’ usage and length of stays at these Outstations.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: May 14th, 2007, 1900 hrs.
ADJOURNMENT: 2106 hrs.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Smith, IV
Board of Trustees Meeting of April 9, 2007
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees