QCYC Reciprocating Clubs

As of October 2019

The following is reciprocal information and connections to area yacht clubs in the Salish Sea and beyond that have reciprocity agreements with QCYC.

We request the following: 1.) When moored at a reciprocal facility fly your QCYC burgee and have your membership card available, 2.) Be prepared to pay for electricity and sometimes a small moorage fee, 3.) Register and make a deposit on a key as required and be sure to return it, 4.) Check with each club when registering for more detailed information, and 5.) Please remember you are representing Queen City Yacht Club.

You can filter the list by geography by clicking the "State/Province" drop down box.

This list is courtesy of Yacht Destinations.

For questions reguarding reciprocity with QCYC, please contact the Vice Commodore


Member Yachting Club of America - The National Association of Yacht Clubs


Member Yachting Club of America - The National Association of Yacht Clubs