Effective December 31st 2024, the QCYC reciprocal area is closed due to the 520 bridge construction. There is no known reopening date and no on-site alternatives.
Reciprocal Area marked in yellow. Registration desk location identified with star.

Queen City Yacht Club provides reciprocal moorage for visiting members of yacht clubs that have reciprocity agreements with Queen City. This is a first come - first served basis. There is no reservation process. Rafting is allowed up to three deep. All vessels tied to the dock (or rafted) must display their club's burgee.
The reciprocal area is found only on the south side of dock three (southern most dock) at our main club location on Portage Bay in Seattle WA. The eastern 100 feet of that dock is marked with yellow paint and is the reciprocal area. Side-tie is preferred, although port or starboard orientation is left to the visiting Captain's discretion. Potable water, WiFi and 30amp power are available. Queen City Yacht Club doesn't provide a public holding tank pump out. Mariners are advised to consult their cruising references for the nearest location and to do so prior to arrival.
Visitors are required to complete the registration process. Instructions, gate access and payment method can be found at the dock desk just inside the roof line as one walks towards shore on dock three. Per club policy, you are allowed a maximum of five (5) consecutive days per calendar month, at $4 a night, paid via cash or check.
There is no reciprocal privilege at our Bainbridge Island Outstation.