The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on December 10, 2007. Those in attendance included board members Chairman Rich McCroskey, Commodore Bill McGillin, P/C Bob Yates, Dennis Okamoto, Nick Castrow, Mark Weiss, and John Alving. Board Member Scott Smith’s absence was authorized and V/C Roberts with due notification voted in his place. Also in attendance were, R/C Ed Jennerich, and Treasurer John Rogers.
Chairman P/C McCroskey called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.
Minutes that had been posted by email were approved.
Membership Chairman LaFountaine reported that there are 364 active members, 3 new memberships pending and one to approve. Dan Lohse’s paperwork was in order and approved by the board. Chairman LaFountaine presented the membership committee’s recommendations for the recruiting award program for 2007 – 2008. His first recommendation was that the age related initiation payment schedule approved by the Board April 9, 2007 be discontinued as it involves too much work for the office. The Board agreed with this recommendation. The three year payment plan will continue. He further recommended that lottery pay- out to new members be dropped to a $100.00 credit at Ships Stores, and the $1000.00 payment to the recruiting member remain; this recommendation was moved and seconded and unanimously approved by the Board.
Captain John Rogers reported the he is in the process of breaking down the annual budget to a monthly basis. Income and expenses are close. The insurance cost is somewhat higher than budgeted. Annual advertizing invoices have not been sent out. He noted the A. Teal contribution to the Eight Bell Committee. The member payments to R.B.A.W. have been received by QCYC but have not been sent on to R.B.A.W. This will be done this month. Winslow costs are as expected. Bond payout is not complete yet but the note has been paid. The capital projects budget is in place and the money is waiting to be spent. Due to the decrease in Treasury Bill interest, income from these investments is\decreasing. If it continues to drop, Planning and Finance may consider alternate investments. Eleven members are currently in arrears. Board members will contact these people.
Chairman McCroskey introduced Dave Carlson of Carlson Insurance. Dave gave a brief resume of his firm and explained his proposal for insurance coverage for the Club for the next year. Chairman McCroskey stated that further assessment of the value of the docks and clubhouse is needed to be sure there is sufficient coverage There is a need to clarify the difference between moorage policy and by-laws. This clarification will be listed in the Annual. Chairman McCroskey reported his discussion with AAC Chairman Bob Hutnik. They both agreed that the activities of the AAC need to be more accessible to the members and that a schedule for AAC meetings will be posted and there will be reports of the committee’s actions made at the general meetings. Thanks was given to Captain Tom Youngs for his effort on the fueling project.
Commodore McGillin reported the Lighted Boat Parade was extremely successful. There were some 30 boats on Friday and over 50 on Saturday. The Bridge meets regularly and has a very good working relationship with the V/C and R/C doing the bulk of the work. They will be looking at needs of the docks at both Winslow and the Instation. There will be no general meeting the 26th.
V/C Roberts reported that the first spider control treatment application has been accomplished. The next treatment will be in April and that better notice will be provided for the timing of this application. The dock inspection program will be performed the end of December and in early January and that volunteers are needed. Waterfront Construction is busy with several major projects and will not be available to work on our docks until mid February. This may be too late and alternate plans may have to be made. The canvas at the Boyer Street entrance is nearing completion. The emergency response guidebook will be placed in the office.
R/C Jennerich reported that plans for the dumpster enclosure are complete and that he is looking for people to build it. Consultation with the landscape architect is continuing. The whereabouts of 22 stray key cards is underway; unauthorized cards have been turned off. Treasurer Rogers stated that a separate monitor for security should be provided, as there is too much conflict and lost productivity to continue sharing the present one. He was assured the a new one is in the budget and that it will be procured shortly
R/C Jennerich reported that the Emergency Blood Transportation program is in place with P/C Montgomery and Captain Art Mauldin taking the lead. Captain Mauldin questioned where the information on this program would be kept and noted that the Club does not have a Manual of emergency procedures. The Bridge will establish such a manual.
Captain Jess Hill presented a review of Bar Management procedures. He stated that his concerns of potential liability have been remedied because there are now over 40 bartenders who have completed the Mandatory Alcohol Server Training (MAST) class. The primary concern being the liability if there was an accident and the QCYC bartender did not hold a current MAST permit
Captain Hill presented several suggestions:
A By-Law change that would establish a Standing Bar Committee that would comply with WSLCB rules requiring a Club Manager. After discussion it was decided that the By-Law Chairman draw up this change. Due to the cost of sending out notices on By-Law changes this change will be held until there are additional “housekeeping” changes that could be done at the same time.
Re-adoption of QCYC Board of Trustee Resolution 1992-02. Action on this was postponed until the January meeting when a new resolution prepared by V/C Roberts and Captain Hill will be presented.
Adoption of Official Bar Rules that will be published in the annual and posted at the bar. In order to meet the annual printing date the existing rules will edited and circulated to the Board and Bridge by email for approval.
P/C Yates questioned the need for the moorage rule changes. Captain Kelly Stocklin expressed his concern that there was insufficient notification to the membership of these changes and that the delay in over a month before the board Minutes are approved and posted is unacceptable. Board Chairman McCroskey explained that the Board appreciated these concerns and that efforts to respond to them will be taken, including but not limited to the following: listing board Agenda on web site prior to the meeting, posting draft minutes of the Board meeting on the web site for review by all the members. P/C Yates suggested that all new or revised rules and by-laws in the Annual be underline or in some manner highlighted.
Captain Art Mauldin reported on the passing of his mother. Chairman McCroskey offered condolences to the family.
P/C Lynn Montgomery read a letter to the Board. In this letter he emphasized the importance of the word “pleasure” in pleasure boating, the need for personal resolution of issues, the need for the Bridge and Board to be responsive to the members, the need to have competitive bids on items over $5000, and the history of club members doing work on Club facilities.
The next regular board meeting will be January 14, 2008.
Chairman McCroskey adjourned the meeting at 2048 hours.
Respectfully Submitted
John Alving
Board of Trustees Meeting of December 10, 2007
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees