A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on Feb. 12th, 2007. All Board members and Flag officers were present with the excused exception of Dennis Okamoto and P/C Grimm. Others present included Commodore Yates, Vice Commodore, McGillin, Rear Commodore Roberts, and Treasurer Rogers.
CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Chairman Ewell called the meeting to order at 1907 hours.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the previous meeting on Jan. 8th, 2007, were approved.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Mark LaFountain stated that he had previously e-mailed a draft copy of the new Club Brochure to all Board members and was soliciting comments for another draft. A further revision will be available for Board approval by 2/16 with final approval of the Board by 2/23. The brochure will then be submitted to the publisher for final printing and be ready fo distribution by the next Board meeting. Ideas for alternate membership are also being discussed such as junior membership, etc. The membership is also working on a QCYC ad for the Northwest Yachting magazine. Alex Mummery, a previous member who had resigned his membership, has requested reinstatement to the club. The membership committee received a withdrawl letter from Rodney Martin who the board had previously voted to expell. Upon receipt of this letter of withdrawl, the board voted and approved to rescind his expulsion. Kimberly Foote will be brought in as a new member at the first general meeting in March.
TREASURERS REPORT: John Rogers reported that the club income looks higher than it is due to outstanding bond repayment. The capitol deck tile project is moving forward. The Winslow outstation is doing very well and on budget. The Bilge Pump is over budget due to oversized ads. This is being addressed by the Bridge.
PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: Bob Gundersen reported that at this time the P&F committee has recommended no identity theft insurance at this time. P&F is also studying measures for Marina Best Management Practice, as well as a proof of sewage pump-out, or signing up for a pump-out service for mooring members. A draft procedure was assigned to V/C McGillin and the Moorage Committee for resolution. Bob also reported that the moorage committee is working on clarifying rule changes.
BOARD CHAIRMAN REPORT: Chairman Ewell reported that the reserve study has been postponed until 3/16/07 due to a a study team member's health issues. RBAW newsletter has two board members that are also QCYC members which should be helpful to our club's interests. The Tarrettes have $4000 which was offered for completion of the cabinet in the galley. Since this is already paid for, further discussion will follow to determine the use of those funds. The Bridge and Board have continuing discussions on the use of the apartment.
COMMODORE'S REPORT: Commodore Yates reported that the new office manager, Andrea Carey, is doing a fine job. He reported that the lighting for the Boyer St. sign has been purchased and needs to be installed. Capitol projects is looking into the cost of replacing the outside canvas. Jerry Zuvich will work on rewiring the docks. The conduit and wire have already been purchased. The dock committee is looking into whether or not the fire hoses at the end of the docks function when our water is turned off due to cold weather. The flagpole at the outstation should be installed by the 21st of April. The Pride of Queen City has been moved to April 28th.
VICE COMMODORE'S REPORT: V/C McGillin reported that the docks' pile cap project is completed for this year. The house carpet repair project has been completed at a cost of $360. The outstation post support project is completed. The moorage committee is focusing on three issues. The first is the issue of inactive/storage boats. There are currently 29 boats that fall into that category. The goal is to get those members involved and active in the club's activities. Secondly, there are 100 mooring members that do not have proper vessel registration. The committee will work on rectifying this situation. Finally, a Grand 14 subcommittee is working on documenting the Best Practices of member yacht clubs.
REAR COMMODORE'S REPORT: R/C Roberts reported that 29 members attended and participated in the grounds work party at the instation. He is working on getting bike racks for both the instation and Winslow. R/C Roberts reports that the junior yacht club has hired it's staff and is ready for it's summer activities.
OLD BUSINESS: Gary Stone is working on updating the insurance for the Ganges outstation. Costs will be over last year's as the declining value of US dollars in Canada. He hopes to have this done by 2/17/07. Gary is looking at suggestions from WADOT by the first week in March. These suggestions will include compensation and relocation of mooring members. The 520 committee is also planning on an open house for our state and local politicians to demonstrate the impact on our club with regards to changes in the 520 bridge.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Monday, March 12th 2007.
ADJOURNMENT: 2100 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Smith, IV
Board of Trustees Meeting of Feb. 12, 2007
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees