A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on June 11, 2007. All board members and flag officers present included P/C Grimm, Commodore Yates, Rear Commodore Roberts, and Treasurer Rogers. Board Chairman Jeff Ewell and Vice Commodore Bill McGillin were excused.
CALL TO ORDER: @ 1903 hrs by Bruce Cullen, sitting for the board chairman, reported that the Rear Commodore Dale Roberts will be voting on behalf of Chairman Ewell.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: minutes were approved as written.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Mark LaFountaine reported that we have 371 members currently, with six new members coming in at the June 13th general meeting. New members are Chad Morse, Brett Yates, Donald Frissell, Gordon Niemi, Kim Nance, and Phillip Strnard.
TREASURERS REPORT: John Rogers reported that the club is over budget due to Opening Day over expenditures, Bilge Pump over budget, and low membership count. Winslow, again, is below budget.
PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: Bob Gunderson reported that with the reserve study report on a five, ten, and 30 year plan, the club will need to increase moorage by 7.84% effective January 1, 2008. This was voted and approved by a seven to one majority vote. A second motion was brought forth to bring a $50 dues increase to the membership. This was voted and approved eight to zero.
BOARD CHAIRMAN REPORT: Bruce Cullen reported, for Chairman Ewell, that Art Mulden has three electrical bids ranging from $550 to $900,000, and will continue to work with Jeff Ewell on this. Planning and Finance is still working on a new insurance company.
COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Yates reported that Dock 1, Slip 1, looks to be sliding or sinking, and will follow up on what corrective measures need to take place.
REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: Dale Roberts reported that the new bike rack is here and will be installed.
OLD BUSINESS: Dennis Okamoto reported that the Audit Committee is almost finished with their report. A final report will be issued to the Board by email and the detail work papers will be filed in the Audit Binders for use by subsequent Audit Committees.
NEW BUSINESS: Moorage Chairman, Bruce Ramon, brought forth a proposal to requalify the size of the open slips. This would fit larger boats in the same slips. This was voted and approved eight to zero, and is effective immediately.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: September 10th, 2007, 1900 hrs.
ADJOURNMENT: @ 2100 hrs
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Smith, IV
Board of Trustees Meeting of June 11, 2007
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees