A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on March 12, 2007. All board members and flag officers present included P/C Grimm, Commodore Yates, Vice Commodore, McGillin, Rear Commodore Roberts, and Treasurer Rogers. Mark Weiss was an excused absence.
CALL TO ORDER: 1903 hrs.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Voted and approved as written.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Mark LaFountaine reported that Pete Collins and Kimberely Foote are new members. The final copy of the new membership brochure has been approved and is going to print for the first 3000 copies.
TREASURERS REPORT: Capt. Rogers reports income and membership are down, but expenses are down as well. The Treasurer is going to increase T Bills from $70K to $80K. Currently there are nine advertisers still delinquent on their payments.
PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: Capt. Bob Gundersen stated no report, but at the next Planning and Finance meeting, they will discuss the apartment possibilities.
BOARD CHAIRMAN REPORT: Chairman Ewell reported that the reserve study is moving along quickly. He has turned the audit over to Dennis Okamoto. Rules and pricing of the rental agreement need more discussion.
COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Yates reported that the Boyer St. sign is now lighted and looks great.
VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C McGillin reported that the moorage committee has identified 29 inactive boats; this number could possibly go up upon further investigation. The committee is encouraging those members to find ways to become active in club activites and their boats. The Marina Best Management Practices brochure is finalized and will be printed and mailed to members soon. A breakdown of the costs of the Waterfront Construction bill has been requested as it seems to be about $6500 on the high side.
REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: R/C Roberts reported that there will be a Pride of Queen City Yacht Club clean up party on April 28th. He is also investigating optional categories for new membership.
OLD BUSINESS: Capt. Ron Dawson reported that the Deer Harbor lease has been signed for another five years; Ganges lease has been signed for two years at a 3% increase per year. P/C Grimm reported that the tile project costs are currently too high ($450 per tile) and he’s working on getting it reduced. He is working with Seattle Yacht Club on the mill foil bids Doug Dorling will make the application which should be good through fall. P/C Grimm also reported that the TV cabinet for the instation should be installed soon.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: April 9th, 2007
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Smith, IV
Board of Trustees Meeting of March 12, 2007
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees