Minutes of Planning and Finance Meeting
September 6, 2022 7:00
Meeting held both at QCYC and remotely Zoom Meetings (joint meeting with Board of Directors)
P&F Committee Members: Chairman P/BC Mark Weiss, Jeff Ohlstrom, P/BC Gerald Fey, P/BC Rick Ashleman, Jan Gould, Board Chairman Doug Genord, Commodore Margaret Krows
Board of Directors: Roger McKinley, Dianne Schultz, Gary Turner, Barry Stolzman
Guests: Vice Commodore Michele Bedner, Rear Commodore Mike Day, Treasurer Joyce Carlson.
Opening Comments: Meeting call to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Mark Weiss.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of June 2 unanimously approved as presented.
Commodore’s report: No report.
Vice Commodore reports: Michele reported that review/approval of Budget is her main priority.
Rear Commodores report: Michael reported that he is obtaining a quote for repaving parking lot. This will be in the range of $120,000. Mark offered help for QCYC to obtain another quote as he has list of vendors.
Board report: No report.
Treasurers Report: Joyce reported that the August financials will be available for the Board meeting next Monday.
Old Business:
The only business for the meeting is the budget review. The 22-23 budget for Michele’s commodore year has been through several reiterations and is now ready for final review by Planning and Finance for final approval by the Board of Directors in the September 12 meeting.
The operating budget was reviewed first. The most recent changes were discussed in detail. Questions asked regarding changes were answered. Once completed, the review moved on to the capital budget. Mark explained the details of the capital line items with the largest being the main station docks budget.
A question was raised regarding the outstation income verses the outstation expenses. Joyce will review this with Mark to determine final amounts. Once that is complete, Mark will send to Planning and Finance committee members to finalize recommendation to the Board for approval via email.
Selection for a new committee member will be discussed via email and at next meeting. Prior suggestions were reviewed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00.
Next meeting will be October 4th at 6:00.
Action items: