A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on October 10, 2007. Those in attendance included board members, P/C Rich McCroskey, Nick Castrow, Scott Smith, Mark Weiss, and John Alving. Also in attendance were V/C Dale Roberts, R/C Ed Jennerich, Secretary Eric Wood, and Treasurer John Rogers.
Acting Chairman Castrow called the meeting to order at 2100 hours.
A motion was made and seconded to elect P/C McCroskey chairman. Motion was passed by a unanimous vote.
Captain Castro turned the gavel and chairmanship over to P/C McCroskey.
Treasurer Rogers presented three resolutions to be voted upon by the Board as follows:
Banking Resolution #01 – designating Evergreen Bank, American Marine Bank, Washington Mutual Bank, and United States Department of the Treasury as authorized depositories for Club Funds with Commodore McGillin, V/C Roberts, R/C Jennerich, Treasurer Rogers, and Board Chairman McCroskey as authorized signers with two signatures required
Banking Resolution #02 – designating Washington Mutual Savings Bank as depository for QCYC, Ships Stores with Commodore McGillin, V/C Roberts, R/C Jennerich, Treasurer Rogers, Irene Nelson, Lois Stettner and Joie Roehl as authorized signers with one signer being on the Bridge
Banking Resolution #03 – designating Washington Mutual Savings Bank as depository for QCYC, Spirits Account with Commodore McGillin, V/C Roberts, R/C Jennerich, Treasurer Rogers, Jess Hill and Andrew Gerde as authorized signers
Copies of these resolutions are attached.
Approval of the resolutions was moved and seconded and all three were passed with a unanimous vote.
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman McCroskey at 2105 hours.
Respectfully Submitted
John Alving
Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees October 10, 2007
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees